Good resources for learning python/pandas:
- Learn python basics by doing the course on code academy
- Read a beginner’s python book and familiarize yourself with basic syntax. Learning Python is a good book.
- Read Python for data analysis to learn pandas. It’s written by Wes McKinney who created pandas.
- Watch python related videos. There are a bunch of good python videos on youTube. I recommend starting with watching old PyCon videos and videos by user sentdex.
Here are some resources that will help you get started with q/kdb+:
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- Downloading q
- Getting a stack up and running [kdb+ tick from kx]
- Coding a sample feed handler
- Subscribing to a table in ticker plant
There are some good q/kdb sources out there for reference as well. I have compiled a list of them here for quick access:
- KDB+ for Mortals (book) – one of the only books on q/kdb+. Easy to read and very helpful.
- kx reference – best source for quickly looking up syntax and proper usage of all the keywords among other things
- kdbfaq – great blog covering diverse topics
- timestored – nice tutorials covering basic concepts
- Life is a list – Great blog on q with several hidden q features