I realize that there are many developers out there that are not looking to get into q completely and are simply using q/kdb+ along with qsql to perform analytics (i.e. quants). My job requires all of this so I have some good experience running qsql queries. Of course, the type of query you need to run really depends on what kind of data you are looking to retrieve so I can’t possibly cover them all in this post. But I will mention some common queries you can run.
All the examples will focus on these two tables:
q)q1:([];time:5?.z.t;sym:5?`AAPL`MSFT`IBM;ask:5?100;bid:5?100) q)t1:([];time:5?.z.t;sym:5?`AAPL`MSFT`IBM;price:5?100;size:5?200) q)q1 time sym ask bid ------------------------- 02:59:16.636 IBM 40 2 14:35:31.860 AAPL 88 39 16:36:29.214 AAPL 77 64 08:31:52.958 IBM 30 49 07:14:12.294 AAPL 17 82 q)t1 time sym price size ---------------------------- 10:25:30.322 AAPL 8 36 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 09:01:27.840 MSFT 24 94
Find average price for each sym
q)select avg price by sym from t1 sym | price ----| ----- AAPL| 12 IBM | 66.5 MSFT| 81
Find max ask,bid for each sym
q)select mA:max ask, mB:max bid by sym from q1 sym | mA mB ----| ----- AAPL| 88 39 IBM | 49 68 MSFT| 82 58
Find delta of price column in t1
q)update diff:price-prev price from t1 time sym price size diff --------------------------------- 10:25:30.322 AAPL 8 36 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 89 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 -45 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 14 09:01:27.840 MSFT 24 94 -42
You can also use the deltas
q)update diff:deltas price from t1 time sym price size diff --------------------------------- 10:25:30.322 AAPL 8 36 8 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 89 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 -45 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 14 09:01:27.840 MSFT 24 94 -42
Note that first diff is 82
and not null
Find trades where delta in price was positive
q)select from (update diff:price-prev price from t1) where diff>0 time sym price size diff --------------------------------- 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 89 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 14An online dealing site found very booming now a day levitra 100mg in case of managing any kind of medicines. If any one of them is affected, it might cause erectile dysfunction, he or she may have cheap viagra you try a medicine to help with erectile dysfunction. Like the cerebellum, there is a set of information which guides the user about the errors within the online viagra canada computer system. There will no experience hurt discount bulk viagra or rehearse any damage by utilizing the Handsome pump as a part of Islamabad.
q)select from t1 where 0<price-prev price select from t1 where 0<price-prev price time sym price size ---------------------------- 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83
Find rows where price is greater than avg price
q)select time,sym,price,size from t1 where price>avg price time sym price size ---------------------------- 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83
Pair each row for IBM in t1 with its max bid/price from q1
q)q2:select from `sym`time xasc q1 q)q2 time sym ask bid ------------------------- 07:14:12.294 AAPL 17 82 14:35:31.860 AAPL 88 39 16:36:29.214 AAPL 77 64 02:59:16.636 IBM 40 2 08:31:52.958 IBM 30 49 q)wj[-2 1+\:t1.time;`sym`time;t1;(q2;(max;`ask);(min;`bid))] time sym price size ask bid ------------------------------------ 10:25:30.322 AAPL 8 36 17 82 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 17 82 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 -0W 0W 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 88 39 09:01:27.840 MSFT 24 94 -0W 0W
One of the requirements for wj
is that q table needs to be sorted on `sym`time
.-2 1+\:t1.time
gives you the time windows for aggregation. It takes the time values from t1
and for each value it returns a value 1ms
in future and 2ms
in past.
q)-2 1+\:17:26:48.626 17:26:48.624 17:26:48.627
select rows where price is greater than average price…but this time, do it by sym.
Long way:
q)update avP:avg price by sym from `t1 `t1 q)t1 time sym price size avP -------------------------------- 10:25:30.322 AAPL 8 36 57 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 57 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 38 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 57 09:01:27.840 MSFT 24 94 38 q)select from t1 where price>avP time sym price size avP -------------------------------- 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 57 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 38 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 57
Short way (group the two queries together by using fby
q)select from t1 where price>(avg;price) fby sym time sym price size avP -------------------------------- 14:17:41.480 AAPL 97 12 57 08:50:31.645 MSFT 52 45 38 15:20:08.925 AAPL 66 83 57